Pediatric Chiropractic

Chiropractors have been performing adjustments on children and infants for more than one hundred years! Many childhood ailments respond to chiropractic care.

When children come into this world, their bodies will be subjected to various kinds of stress. Even at birth, infants can be susceptible to spinal misalignment due to fetal positions in utero, a slow birth or a c-section. A brief pediatric check-up is not designed to detect possible “hidden damage” that a chiropractic exam would discover.

Early detection is the key to preventing potential pain or discomfort in the future. As a child develops, things can happen along the way. Poor posture, falls, injuries during athletic activities, can all affect how the body properly develops if there are misalignments in the spine.

If your child has suffered an injury, such as while playing sports, or is facing muscle development issues, like poor posture, working with Dr. Stephen Jackson in Millville, NJ, could go a long way. When it comes to children, early intervention can make a huge difference, so get in touch as soon as possible.  Dr. Jackson also completed the FICPA certification for pediatric chiropractic.

The Chiropractic Approach to Pediatric Care

Chiropractors like Dr. Jackson can use holistic treatment to address a variety of different conditions. Often, treatment starts with working with the spine. The spine acts as the foundation for your child's body. Issues with the spine could affect your child not just right now, but throughout the rest of their life.

By working with a pediatric chiropractor in Millville, NJ, you can help ensure proper growth and better recovery after injuries. With gentle spinal manipulation, Dr. Jackson can ensure that your child's spine is in proper alignment. This could reduce stress throughout the body.

Dr. Jackson specializes in low-force instrument-assisted adjustments and low-force hands on techniques. This form of treatment can be especially effective with kids. While children can at times seem borderline invincible, often recovering from falls more quickly than many adults, for example, it's also crucial to be careful and mindful. Various instruments and techniques can be used to control and limit forces applied to the body and to greatly reduce the risk of any mishaps. 

Other treatments, such as needleless acupuncture, may help with a variety of conditions, including allergies and asthma, digestive troubles, chronic earaches, migraines, and other pains. Treatment doesn't rely on medication, which is crucial because some medicines produce adverse side effects in children.

Assistance With Nutrition

While there's no cure-all for every potential issue, a sound approach to nutrition can provide a lot of benefits, especially for children. If you need help crafting a great nutrition plan for your family, then you should team up with Dr. Jackson. The right nutritional care now could help your kids grow up strong and develop to their fullest both mentally and physically.

If you're looking for a pediatric chiropractor who serves Millville, NJ, come see Dr. Jackson. You can call 856 825 0452 to reach the team at the Cumberland Chiropractic Center. Chiropractic care can help safeguard your child's wellness, so get in touch right away.

We help children with many conditions:

  • Infantile Colic
  • ADD / ADHD
  • Allergies/Sinus Issues/Asthma
  • Bed Wetting
  • Constipation/Digestive Issues
  • Headaches / Migraines
  • Chronic Ear Infections
  • Scoliosis Detection and Treatment
  • Flat Head Syndrome
  • Sensory Processing Disorder
  • TMJ Syndrome

Naturally ensure that a child is happy and healthy with chiropractic

The first thing we will do is to conduct a thorough history of your child’s health and any complaints. This is followed by a complete physical examination of the child’s spine.

When Dr. Stephen Jackson performs spinal adjustments for infants and young children, it will involve a gentle fingertip pressure to correct spinal misalignments. This will gently restore mobility to spinal joints. A child’s spine generally responds faster compared to an adult’s spine. The actual number of adjustments will vary depending on many factors, such as the length of time the problem has been present. Parents can feel confident about the safety of chiropractic for their child since it is non-invasive and medication free.

Our Location

Hours of Operation


9am – 12pm

4pm – 7pm


By Appointment


9am – 12pm

4pm – 7pm




9am – 12pm

4pm – 7pm


By Appointment



9am – 12pm 4pm – 7pm
By Appointment
9am – 12pm 4pm – 7pm
9am – 12pm 4pm – 7pm
By Appointment